Hello and welcome to my blogging site! I’m sure you’re wondering why my website has it’s particular name and I will explain that later in this blog. But for now, I’ll tell you a little about myself.
My name is Shon. I’m 33 years old and I currently live in South Carolina.
I’ve been happily married for 11 years to wonderful man named James. (Time has truly flown by)
I’m the mother of 2 children. Candace who is 4 and Jacob who is 19 months. Can you tell that I had to bribe my daughter to sit for this picture?
I come from a huge family and the only way I can describe it is as “blended”. I like to tell people to “Meet the Real Browns”. I’ll be happy to introduce everyone however, it’ll take a couple of posts to explain everything so please check back!
I absolutely love to praise dance. I started when I was a teenager and have been doing it for around 16 years now. Here recently though, I’ve started to do it more often through my ministry S.H.O.N. which stands for Serving His Omnipotent Name.
We had our first home built four years ago and i’m finally at the point where I want to start doing things around the house. And I will definitely need help because I’m not a hands on person… at all… And since I know that it’s not our forever home, I would like to do things to draw potential buyers when that time comes in the future!
I’m a Connecticut School of Broadcasting alumni and eventually would like to do something in the broadcasting field. The pictures below are from school.
There’s plenty of more information that I would like to share and I hope to do so through this site. But for now, i’ll end this post with the reason behind the name 1 of God’s Favorites. I was blessed to know someone who taught us to live life to the fullest. She loved life and was such a beautiful person. She had a saying where she would say that she was 1 of God’s Favorites and once I thought about it, I realized that I am one of His favorites as well! And so are you! She passed away in December 2018 but she definitely left her mark in this world. She was truly one of a kind and 1 of God’s Favorites! Her name… Pastor Kathy!
I believe that’s enough about me for right now. I would love to know about you! Please say hello and tell me a little about yourself in the comments below.